May 23, 2011


Sunday, May 22, 2011 marked the end of the first year of my blog. The entries are 300 in number rather than 365 as I write 5 days a week and I took two book tours during which time the blog fell silent. Still, I marvel at the effort and rewards of reaching out to readers on the Internet. Some of you have dropped in from far corners of the globe and I have been energized by the comments and questions you have raised.  


I admit, it takes a certain amount of hubris to imagine I have something to say that other people will want read and a certain amount of foolishness to hope I will be struck by a worthwhile thought 5 days a week. Still, for good or ill, I have turned a page on the calendar and hope those of you who have found my site will continue to visit. Life is journey and I am delighted you have chosen to travel with me. Thank you.