Most research I’ve read says women are more verbal than men. Females babies are said to talk sooner than boys, for example, and the image of the nagging wife is almost universal. Women are noted for “girl talk,”“coffee klatches” and “hen parties,” while men presumably stand around with their arms crossed and grunt. But a recent report in The Daily Beast reveals that in one area, at least, men are the masters. A review of 35 national newspapers and magazines shows that:
…men had 81 percent of the quotes in the stories about abortion, while women had 12 percent… In stories about birth control, 75 percent of the quotes were from men, with women getting 19 percent. (The Daily Beast, quoted in The Week, June 15, 2012 pg. 18)
In sum, women barely get a word in when it comes to discussions about their reproductive rights.
Those who write or speak well tend to shape the views of a society. The Declaration of Independence is evidence of that. We women need to learn from history. To declare our own independence, we need to talk more, not less.
(Courtesy of