While I cling to my hope of finding a big agent for my 4th novel, I know the trend is against me. Self-publishing is becoming so acceptable, that big publishers are getting into the business. Even the New York Times Bestseller list includes self-published authors, something that wasn’t true a year ago. According to Dick Lutz, who writes a column for Willamette Writers, the reason for the change is that self-published “authors are beginning to outsell traditionally published authors.” (“Publishing Insights,” by Dick Lutz, The Willamette Writer, vol. 49, Aug. 2014, pg. 4)
The growth in self-publishing is understandable. Buyers are price sensitive and eBooks are cheaper than hard cover or paperback editions. Self-publishing eliminates the middlemen: the warehousers and distributors. EBooks are available at the click of a mouse and this convenience has allowed the industry to go global, an advantage which offers buyers greater selection and writers a wider audience. On the sell side, an eBook never goes out of print and the author doesn’t have to haul copies to book shows. Also, If the work is self-published, the creator has control over all phases of production and keeps the profits from sales.
One problem remains, however. How do authors and readers find each other? One way is to watch Just Read It which offers 10 minute book reviews on YouTube. The latest features New York Times best seller, Where’d You Go Bernadette. http://https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/portfolio/just-read-it-whered-go-bernadett/
Of course, word of mouth is the best form of book promotion. When it comes to sales, the consumer is king. So my appeal today is to the readers. If you like a book, don’t be shy. Let your friends know. If you like these blogs, by the way, do the same. Your support is what keeps a writer going.