Recently, two-term Congresswoman, Renee Ellmers of North Carolina gave a speech on the topic of how to bring more women into the Republican Party. Her comments, however, were directed toward her male counterparts:
Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level… Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor, you know, they’ve got some pie chart or graph behind them and they’re talking about trillions of dollars and how, you know, the debt is awful and, you know, we all agree with that… We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman’s level and what everything that she is balancing in her life – that’s the way to go.
It’s no secret that a gender bias exists in this country, but I’m shocked to learn that it’s pouring from the mouth of a Congresswoman. Ellmers appears to be ignorant about the number of her sex who have won Nobel Prizes in a variety of fields or who head major corporations – Yahoo, Hewlett Packard and General Motors, to name a few.
One can only assume, Ellmers has been stunted by the company she keeps, Republican men, whose ignorance about women is so monumental that one of them can utter the words, “legitimate rape” without embarrassment. She needs help to escape their view of her limitations. She requires an intervention. Even more, she needs to stop using her bully pulpit to spread her sense of inferiority to others of our sex. No woman need apologize for her gender.