Courtesy of en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysistrata
Stop by any department store cosmetic counter and you’ll see why the female of the species has mystified men for centuries. The number of eye creams, alone, climbs past double digits, if we count private labels along with national brands. Prices range from a few dollars to over $200. Is there a genuine effect that results from their use? The arguments pro and con are as numerous as the creams. Still, a woman will open her purse to buy a dream.
I admit, a generalization like the last is dangerous. Women are as unique from one another as the individual snowflake. But when they agree on something, they form a beachhead strong enough to defy an encroaching tide. That beachhead may be forming as we approach the 2020 election. One sign is the number of calls to action from women’s groups. Like homing pigeons, they come to roost in my email box each day. Their restless noise is growing louder. The goal is unmistakable and confirmed by a recent Monmouth poll : “…61 percent of Democratic women would back a candidate who had a better chance of beating Trump over one they agree with, compared with 45 percent men.”
In 2016 election, the intent of a majority of female voters was to break the glass ceiling and put a woman in the White House. In 2020, the aim is to drive a man out. Not surprisingly, the democratic ticket is flush with women who are qualified to break the glass ceiling. But in 2020, the question is no longer about a woman’s qualification to hold the highest office. The question is “Who can win?”
Pragmatism relegates gender equality to a secondary position. As a species, the survival of our planet is at stake. Women, who are wives, mothers, and soldiers, realize the urgency. The 2020 election may be a time when historians will look back and write it was a year women examined the world with hard cold eyes, and setting aside their dreams, they decided enough was enough.