Since the election, perhaps some of my blog readers may harbor the same concern for our democracy that I do. Freedom Isn’t an Energizer Bunny that keeps on going. It must be defended. And though the Republican Party has turned its back on decency, the rest of us must work to preserve it.
In that spirit, I offer a modest proposal. Since the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United, several oligarchs have imagined they can manipulate our politics. Elon Musk’s million-dollar bonanza Is an example. Sadly, these schemes can also turn a profit for the perpetrators, an added incentive for their meddling.
To discourage future misconduct, we must send a message to the oligarchs by making an example of one of them. I choose Elon Musk and I propose a national boycott of Tesla.
War has its casualties, I realize. Some workers will be hurt by this action. But, if Tesla is forced to pare down its workforce, manufacturers like Ford, Chrysler, and GM will need to increase their new hires.
Since Musk treats voters as sheep, we must remind him we are also consumers. Our wallets as well as our votes speak for us.
How long should a boycott last? As long as it takes to get Musk out of the government to save his falling stock.
Those who never planned to buy a Tesla can support the boycott, as well, by sharing this modest proposal with others. Together, we can start a movement.