February 23, 2011


The weatherman is predicting snow in the next few days and he’s probably correct. The science has become more credible than it was when I was a child.  The percentage of forecasts that are right as opposed to those that are wrong seems to have shifted in the weatherman’s favor. I suppose technology has made the difference. 

But despite the snow warning, I smell something in the air — a certain busyness in the animal kingdom. Am I in error or are there more squirrels digging in my garden?  The bird bath, too, is so crowded these days, I’m tempted to think I’m playing host to some avian version of “The Dating Game.”

In the streets, I see more baby prams as well. Of course, I might be imagining it, but if I had extra cash, I’d buy stock in a company that makes these carriages.  It’s always a good bet to side with Mother Nature and with mothers of any ilk.  

Thoughts about the burgeoning season were on my mind yesterday when I was at the doctor’s office waiting to be fitted for a hearing aid, my first. I was a few minutes early, so I stood at the stair rails and peered down into the lobby as people fluttered past like cherry petals borne by a spring breeze. The elevators that carried them to their various floors were glass — an unsynchronized dance which was fascinating to watch because their riders behaved as if they were invisible. One of these vertical carriages transported a couple and their new baby.  The mother was busy smothering her infant’s face in kisses while the child’s head flew back in paroxysms of laughter. Then dad leaned forward to do the same.  More youthful laughter followed.

(Lilah Dale born 11/29/2010)

I couldn’t help smiling as I watched this young family express their love for one another. The scene was so joyful it was difficult to believe I was standing in a medical center. And then my name was called. The doctor was ready for me. I walked away with the image of the happy baby fresh in my mind. I would probably never meet or see this little family again, but I had shared their loving moment. In my thoughts, I thanked them for their unintended gift, mindful that delight can be found in surprising places. One needs only the leisure to observe.

                           “A poor life this is, if full of care,

                           We have no time to stop and stare.

(William Henry Davies)