Courtesy of Rutherford Classics.com
Writing a book is a form of producing life. Like the biological procedure, dealing with afterbirth is tricky. Exposing the fruits of one’s labor to critical appraisal is heart-pounding stuff. The creator adores the offspring, but the eyes of strangers, like a camera, take an objective view. Awaiting the verdict, the author begins to question if the flourish at the end of chapter 13 will be deemed poetic genius or maudlin phrasing. The risk! The risk!
Given that risk, I share with glee the most recent review of my memoir, Getting Lost to Find Home. It appeared last week in Oregon Arts Watch, a publication that devotes itself to covering the state’s art scene. To have been chosen for inclusion is an honor. To discover it was judged worthy of praise is a joy.
Getting Lost to Find Home will be published on November 1, 2023, on Barnes & Noble and Amazon sites. To read the recent review click here.