An article popped up on my computer the other day which suggested we live in a Matrix. Like the film by the same name, our lives may be no more than a dream which we are allowed to think is real. (Click) A few scientists have given the idea enough credence to propose experiments to determine whether or not a Matrix existence is possible.
Of course, my question is if the Matrix is real then, like having a fatal and incurable disease, why would I want to know?” What is reality, anyway? If we’re honest with ourselves most of it is a construct of our plastic brains. To bastardize Descartes, “If I think I’m real, I am.”
How does lucid dreaming fit in, is my next question. Those are the dreams where I become aware I’m dreaming. If I know I’m dreaming then the dream is incorporated into my reality. If I don’t know I’m dreaming, the question of what’s real and what isn’t is moot. So, we have only two states that matter: dreaming and not dreaming. But If a Matrix controls both dreaming and not dreaming, then we’re looking at the existence of a super reality, like God. Can our minds comprehend that?
Unfortunately, the tool we use to sort out this conundrum is the brain, an instrument science assures us is frequently wrong and capable of creating false memories — which in themselves form a new reality. So while the idea of a Matrix is intriguing, I have to ask, does it matter? A hot fudge sundae, is a hot fudge sundae, is a hot fudge sundae.”
(Originally published 9/22/2015)
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