Courtesy of wikipedia
I’ve decided to take Labor Day off. I never do, but today I need a break. I won’t leave you without news that will make you a smile, though.
If you follow this blog with some regularity, you may recall an anecdote I recorded on August 17 of this year. It involved a young entrepreneur and his girlfriend. The pair had opened a shop in a nearby mall during the holiday season last year. Management had lured them into renting a space with a deal they couldn’t refuse, though the location was in a corner where shoppers seldom ventured. I bought a funny looking duck from them and supposed I was their first customer as I’d caught them opening boxes and filling empty shelves.
Months later, Covid-19 struck and the disease wiped out some of the mall’s stalwarts, Starbucks, for example, and most of the clothing stores. Strolling to the corner shop where I’d purchased my duck, I noted it, too, was shuttered. No one wants to see a dream die, and I wrote about my melancholy in that August blog.
As Labor Day is dedicated to workers, it seems appropriate that I should choose now to share with my readers that I was wrong in my earlier surmise. The little shop isn’t dead. I found it, recently, relocated to a better spot, one exposed to all the traffic the mall has to offer. I also observed it had a few customers, which is more than can be said for the Sees candy outlet nearby.
Hope, together with honest labor, may have special magic. I don’t know. But I’m happy to report the dream lives.