Before Donald Trump has been sworn into the presidency, pundits, their past failed prognostications forgotten, are predicting he will be a one-term office holder. (Click) Meanwhile, Democrats are wringing their hands and emailing to their constituents about their disappointment over the election while at the same time, they are asking for more money. Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, has an idea. “Throw the Bums out.” (Click)
What I and others, I suspect, want to see is not this hand wringing, but a plan for action. Wishing Donald Trump away isn’t one.

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If I were a Democrat, my first act would be to say “No” to any Republican right-wing nominee to the Supreme Court. Republicans have had no trouble saying it these past several months. Democrats take heed. There’s nothing sacred about 9 judges on the highest bench. Originally, it had six members and Congress has the power to change that number at will. (Click) Richard Albert, journalist with the Boston Globe observes, makes a similar observation in his column. (Click)
While the Senate remains in Republican control, Democrats should filibuster as often as a dog sniffs at fire hydrants. Democrats gained two seats (48) in the last election.(Click) That means Republicans will have difficulty mustering the 60 votes necessary to bring a filibuster to cloture. (Click)
I also suggest that Democrats pay attention to swing states. Start by passing laws that would suppress voter suppression laws where they exist so more people can participate. And why not offer economic incentives to small businesses in states like Wisconsin, Ohio and Florida? Next, provide subsidies to folks willing to relocate to those areas. We subsidize everything from cows to corn. Why not workers?
The time has come to stop crying. The time has come to roar!