Hi everyone and welcome,
It’s a rainy Sunday and the only bright spot in the room is my white computer page. At this point in my blogging life, I realize I’m talking to myself, but should anyone wander into my electronic room, I thought I’d explain the purpose of this blog. It’s about writing, writers, sources to help writers and all things literary. I’m happy to answer questions about my work, if anyone is interested. Mostly, the page is meant to share information with readers and other writers who are curious about the craft. As you can see from my picture, I’m not a young woman and I’ve led a varied life. One of those lives was as a teacher, so I’m happy to share thoughts about: life as a writer; publishing; agents and a good deal about how to cope with disappointment. I ask in return for decorum, the spark of your questions and the fun that comes from a thoughtful exchange. Also there’s room here for a tears to be shed over rejections slips.
Today, I want to explain about the links on this blog. I’ve been selective and I’ve given you what I consider to be the best, most reliable sources for a writer. Of course, you already know the importance of doing your homework but the links may help. A writer’s sea is full of sharks so below are my favorite havens which, mercifully, are free sites:
Writer Beware — This room is not just for Science Fiction writers. It is managed by Victoria Strauss, a successful writer who knows her way around the block. Check in with her site regularly. You’ll get alerts on the latest scams, shoddy publishers and agents. (Note: access to the site is free but donations to maintain the site are appreciated.)
Preditors and Editors — David Kuzminski hosts this invaluable site. He covers the waterfront from publishers of books and magazines to agents and lets you know what writers have experienced with these outlets. If you use the site and find a link is broken or that it no longer leads to the place listed, Dave’s e-mail is on the home page. Let him know. He’s personable and grateful for the help as he has a lot of waterfront to cover. Also he’s a prolific writer himself.
Absolute Water Cooler – This is an off- shoot from Writer Beware and is primarily a blog where writers can ask questions about publishers and agents. Remember the people on this site are expressing their personal opinions which may not prove true for you but you’ll get a mountain of information.
Query Tracker – There are a lot of agent lists on the web, but a good source other than Preditors and Editors is Query Tracker. Some sites are little more than candied flypaper meant to ensnare the novice. Again, there is no substitute for doing one’s homework.
One final note: I have Mark Sanchez managing this page. If you have a simple question he can usually get your information quickly. Mark spent decades in journalism, so you may notice a difference in style. Be assured, however, that I’m interested in everything you have to say.
It’s getting darker outside. Think I’ll curl up with a good book.