Hillary Clinton’s emails, though scoured by several investigative agencies, government and private, have turned up little of interest. Mostly, she’s a woman baffled by technology. Here’s a typical exchange: (Excerpted from “Inboxes of the Rich and Famous,” by Josephine Wolff, New Republic, Sept. 2015, pg. 8 – with my comments added.)
Hillary: My fax is broken, so I didn’t get any clips. I hope to get it fixed today.”
Me: (Hillary, good luck with that.)
Later, after several attempts to fix it:
Troubleshooter: Can you hang up the fax line, they will call again and try fax.”
Hillary; “I’ve done that twice now.)
Me: (Sigh. She’s human)
When the FBI, CIA and NSA scan my emails, they don’t find much that’s different.
Tech guy:
Click on the “save as” symbol, labeled #2, to save as a .JPG file
Click on the “copy” symbol, labeled #3, to copy to the clipboard.
Click the “new” symbol to start over and snip a new picture.
Me: “ I’ve done that twice now.”
All these taxpayer funded investigations on Hillary’s emails have given me some comfort. The life of our former Secretary of State is so filled with irritating minutiae, she has little time for clandestine operations. If anything, Hillary’s exchanges support the claim of one techie called, K. Z: “With the exception of a few legislators who hold technical degrees, no one involved thoroughly understands the technologies underpinning the government’ surveillance programs. Nor do they have experts with security clearances to help them.” (“Why Spy Agencies Can Run Wild,” by K.Z., Wired, Sept. 2015, pg. 90)
Hillary is one of us, lost in the internet without a map. I‘d say she was lucky she found her way to Chipotle. (Blog 7/29/15)

Courtesy of yournewswire.com