“A Polemic,” may be too grand a title for this blog. While not intending to be impassioned, I would like to lay out the reason why I labor each day to put a few ideas, most of them not my own, in to print. I owe that explanation to myself as well as to my readers. I write my blogs because I sense we are in extraordinary times..
The issues I choose will, I hope, be of interest to others, perhaps throw a little light on arcane subjects and sometimes, I endeavor to amuse. Of late, like many, I’ve focused on the attributes of our new president. The man has a right to his political views, certainly. My concern is for his character. He seems to lack an ethical compass and as such, I believe he is pulling the country into a riptide of social unrest that may drown our democracy. The dogs of bigotry have been unleashed. A lust to establish a Christian theocracy threatens our laws. Bare knuckled self-interest is characterized as “smart.” The era of false promises passes for coin of the realm. And, a wholesale disregard for the environment is frightening.
I am not alone among the artists who are expressing a similar concern. Garrison Keillor describes Trump’s moral compass is a follows: “When he itches, he scratches.” (Click) Meryl Streep uses her bully pulpit to remind the new president that basic decency isn’t a luxury. “There was a performance this year that stunned me…not because it was good: there was nothing good about it.”(Click) Arnold Schwarzenegger tells his fellow Republicans, “it is not acceptable to choose your country over your party, it’s your duty,” (Click)

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Being of the world as well as in it, artists are about revealing inner as well as objective truths. Otherwise, why should the craft exist? If I confuse my readers with my eclectic observations, I apologize. For me, the world at this moment seems to have gone awry. Like the canary in a coal mine, I feel an obligation to sing as long as I have breath.