Courtesy of rutherfordclassics.com
The edits on my memoir have returned, so for the next several weeks, I’ll be focusing on rewrites. I’ve been working on this book for the past two years and, at the current rate, I fear it may take me longer to draft my recollections of past events than to have lived them. If I write a decent book, it will be worth it.
Again, I am grateful to Chris Web who has curated a list of blogs that may be worthy of a second glance. As my readers have been through this routine before, I presume everyone knows the drill. While I work on my book, I will continue to hover in the blog’s shadow, ready to respond to comments folks may care to make.
Sad to say, though time marches in a forward direction, this review of previous blogs suggests the course of human events has little changed. I don’t know what that says for humanity. Something to ponder, later.
Anyone who hungers for more of my prose can purchase one of my published titles. I’ve made it easy for you. All you need do is click on the image of Rutherford Classics that precedes each blog. It will take you to the site where you can obtain copies. As long as you’re there, consider buying one as a gift for a friend.
If all goes well, I’ll be back to WriteAway in the blinking of an eye.