The Peril I will be blunt. Our Constitutional Order and our democracy are comatose. Here’s why. • We can no longer depend upon our elected leaders. The Republican Party has imploded. The Democrats are in disarray. Checks and balances in government are moribund. Bip
Recently, Ben Carson, head of Housing and Urban Development, proposed reducing rent subsidies almost threefold for the poorest of the poor. If his proposal were to pass Congress, it would mean the indigent would have to spend almost 2/3 of their income for housing, leaving 1/3 for
A reader sent me a thoughtful article about Donald Trump’s strategic plan while in office. (Click) Bit by bit, the article dismantles the president’s false assumptions and explains why they will fail. But the assumption that Trump has a plan is, in my opinion, false. I see him
In an earlier blog (10/27/16), I referred to an article by Clive Thompson about artificial intelligence. He warned we know so little about what’s going on inside those wired machines, we should consider what this lack of transparency means. Are we being foolhardy when we put too
Film and photography have been around for a long while, since the 1800s. Smart phones are a new development but the genius who linked cameras with phones started a social revolution which is going to change the face of justice. Most of us use our phones to send pictures of ourse