For the last two weeks, I’ve been grappling with computer problems. Eventually, I had to replace the hard drive, which posed its own difficulties. This week, I’m restoring passwords and codes for my accounts with limited success. For some reason, that little drop box that enable
The creeping loss of personal privacy seems to increase exponentially. The public is aware of the growth. A June report issued by the Pew Research Center revealed: “Americans are concerned about the data collection practices of smart speakers, and similar listening devices.” (“Y
The human race seems to be cursed. So many inventions meant to provide peace and prosperity end up doing the opposite. Cars, trains, trucks, and boats have allowed commerce to flourish, but they also have given us global warming. The internet puts information at our fingertips but pro
Given the many life and death threats facing our species, an algorithm to help identify which challenges are imminent and which can wait five minutes sounds great. Unfortunately, technology is part of the problem. The more we rely on it, the more we are likely to find ourselves in a d
I wonder how many apps developers can create that the public will continue to buy. A new one allows Donald Trump supporters to find restaurants where they can feel safe, not from guns, but from a “socialist goon squad.” (“Only In America,” The Week, March 22, 2019, pg. 6.)
Before the internet and Wikipedia, when I needed information, I dialed the reference librarian at my local library. The materials I needed could be wide-ranging. How to spell pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is one example. Or, I might want to know the population of