When I moved to my retirement center, I soon became aware that a pecking order existed between those who live on the lower floors of the building and those who live on the higher ones. In fact, “What floor do you live on,” is the question most asked after an introduction. High
Only a few weeks ago, before school started, the temperature climbed above the hundred mark and turned my thoughts to ice cream. As a child, my mind often wandered in that direction, especially on Saturdays when I’d walked with my mother to the center of town and she’d do a litt
Like others, I’ve taken my swipes at Goldman Sachs. (Blog 8/30/13) But after reading Anne Vandermey’s article, “Yes, Goldman Sachs Really is a Great Place to Work,” I came away less sure of my opinion. (Fortune, Feb.3, 14 pgs 97-104). As The author remarks, not only are the co