Even in a time of war, there can be moments of laughter. Late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert had a field day with a report about a Ukrainian grandmother who knocked down a Russian drone from her apartment balcony with a jar of tomatoes. Equally low tech but less funny was a re
As I trawl the internet in search of information for this blog, I recently came across Thomas Friedman’s question in his New York Times column. (11-10-21). If people won’t wear masks during a pandemic, how will they endure the discomforts attendant with fighting climate c
This New Year, the world stage leaves us with so much worry, there’s little incentive to get out of bed each morning. Adding to the malaise is a fresh, looming disaster. Not long ago, I mentioned that good topsoil around the globe is eroding at the rate of 1% a year. Without it, we
In the opening scene of the film, The Graduate, the operative word was “plastics.” Today, Dustin Hoffman is all grown up, though that scene remains a movie classic. For billionaire Jeremy Grantham the new word for this era is “topsoil.” Necessary to feed a burgeoning glo
September 11 is a day when our nation remembers one of the worst foreign attacks on its soil, a day that ushered in a never-ending war against terrorism. But there are other ways to threaten our democracy besides bombing our structures. In fact, one political threat goes
Having strong objections to the notion that human activities are influencing climate change doesn’t alter the facts. A recent review of scientific opinion on the subject reveals that people need to limit their contribution to global warming by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. (“Climate C
Milk is not good for us. Meat is not good for us. Cigarettes are not good for us. Sugar is not good for us. Still, like a huge ship in a storm tossed sea, getting human nature to change its course, isn’t easy. In evolution, it may take thousands of years. The question is, do we huma