On a visit to an ophthalmologist, I noticed my medical chart said I was mobility impaired. Having climbed 3 flights of stairs to get to his office, I was non-plussed. “What does this mean?” I said, stabbing an accusing finger at the chart. The doctor took a moment to read th
If life feels frustrating, there’s a reason. Frustration is a condition throughout the universe. Even electrons are vulnerable. Because an imbalance exists between the places for them in one layer of the quantum soup and another, each time the layers interact, the quantum particle
David Brooks, commentator for the New York Times says issues surrounding abortion are “hard and complex.” Two chief concerns are: a) He believes a “piece” exists within every human being that gives them dignity—a soul. And b) He has no confidence that he knows w
After the November 8 election, a friend sent me the November 11, 2016 OP Ed piece by David Brooks from the New York Times. A number of my liberal friend speak kindly of the writer. He is their token conservative, I presume. In deference to them I reprint his remarks and follow w
I stopped listening to the political analysis of David Brooks and Mark Shields on the OPB News hour long ago. Their remarks strike me as less insightful than wisdom be gained by staring at ditch water. But I was across the room one evening, cooking dinner, when their commentary ca
Recently, guilt and shame were topics in a New York Times column by David Brooks (3/15/2016). When my blog on the same issue appeared a month later, (Blog 4/25/2016), a reader emailed me a copy of those earlier remarks. Not crucial but immediately evident was a difference in the d
Ralph Douthat of The New York Times raises a question worth considering. Can we defend free speech without weakening it by carving out exceptions? (“Je Suis Charlie! Testing the limits of free speech, The Week, January 21,2015 pg. 16.) Some prominent universities that purport t