I read an article recently about torture during the George W. Bush administration. Apparently, waterboarding was so brutal the contract interrogator sought to stop the procedure. Each time he made his plea, the CIA refused and threatened to bring in someone tougher. Eventually, the
The latest round of scandals involving the President and the Attorney General is another body blow to our democracy. True, we’ve seen cozy relationships between a President and the Department of Justice before: John Kennedy appointed his brother, Robert Kennedy as U. S. Attorney Gen
Here’s what I’d like to know: after the impeachment trial, why did Donald Trump’s favorability numbers rise in opinion polls? The uptick occurred not only among Republicans but also among independent voters. I find that last bit of information, worrying, and I’m not alone. O
I’m beginning to wonder how far I can roll my eyes to the back of my head before they fall out. After watching the ABC Democratic Presidential debate I begin to despair. As a whole, I thought it was the best of the series and that the exchange between the candidates shed more ligh
While Donald Trump’s acquittal at the end of his impeachment trial was predictable and despite the President’s reputation for reprisals, the country witnessed the courage of several patriots who spoke truth to power. We know them now as their names have been written into the annal
Like many girls raised Catholic, I flirted with the idea of becoming a nun. The notion of service to others appealed to me and, frankly, it still does. Happily, I found my calling as a teacher. I know that moment of joy in The Miracle Worker when Annie Sullivan stood at the water
A man pulls his car over to the side of a road to provide assistance to another man whose vehicle has a flat tire. The response is common. Most of us know the frustration of a stalled car. Sharing a feeling with someone is called compassion. Sympathy, on the other hand, is a guess.
Rivaling the most ribald scenes from French farce, Republican senators at the 2020 impeachment trial of Donald Trump performed with enough buffo to have earned them laughs. Too bad they were unaware the play was a tragedy. Never mind, let us begin with their farce of jurist imparti
Recently, a Bernie Sanders supporter floated a conspiracy theory on Facebook: U. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deliberately delayed delivering the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate in order to keep Sanders in Washington D. C. for the trial, away from the Iowa campaign, and to le
Recently, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). People rejoiced and slapped one another on the back, forgetting that when the provision was introduced in the 1970s, it had a 7-year expiration date. No matter how good it felt, the ratification of ER