Since the 2016 election, we’ve heard a good deal about fake news. Bogus sources seem to spring up overnight. Even Gig data can’t be trusted. Click) How do we tell the news from propaganda in this environment? With 2.2 billion users sharing information on Faceboo
When President Barrack Obama rejected the application for the Keystone XL TransCanada pipeline, he had more on his mind than the environment. The project made no economic sense. According to the U. S. Department of State, bringing heavy oil sands across our border, among the mos
While heading my teachers’ union in the 1970s, I was appointed to the Mayor’s Economic Advisory Council. I had no background in economic development but I satisfied a necessary profile to round out the committee. I was a woman and I was a union leader. I soon learned my role
My car insurance is due. Though I am driving less, I expect the premium will go up. Nothing goes down these days except my bank account. I don’t feel particularly misused. The pendulum seems to swing in the same direction for everyone’s clock. Greater cost and lower service.
Politics on the local and national spheres share one value in common. Voters expect their representatives to serve their constituents without seeking personal gain. In Oregon, the feeling is so strong, that when I served in public office, I rejected a free lunch if it was offered.
I’ve never played chess but I have played a little politics and from where I sit, the Democrats need to refine their strategies to take control of government. Too many of its shinning stars are lining up for the Presidential race. Instead, candidates from red state
On Friday, I complained I experience vertigo as a result of sharing the world with Donald Trump and his followers. I don’t even know how to describe Trump. Is he a president or a cult leader? A president or a would-be dictator? Certainly, he is a celebrity. As such, th
Of late, Donald Trump’s favorability rating has jumped to a high of 49 percent in one major poll. I admit, I am puzzled, like a salmon swimming upstream while numbers of my species are headed toward the sea. Where are they going? What are they thinking? Okay, I get
I heard it again today. “Oh, I never read fiction. I prefer non-fiction.” My molars dug into the side of my cheek so that I could hold my tongue. People who make this remark seem to imagine reading fiction is a frivolous pastime. In my experience, men most often hold this
About the superrich and taxes, Leona Helmsley, deceased New York real estate tycoon, was candid. “We don’t pay taxes. Only the little people pay taxes.” Donald Trump, our 45th President and a real estate mogul of a later generation, admits the same. What’s more, the newe