An interesting poll came out the other day. (“Poll Watch,” The Week, Feb 8, 2019, pg. 17) Fifty-five percent of Americans favor receiving a health care plan through Medicare, but only 37% would be willing to raise taxes for it. Presidential aspirant, Kamala Harris, and Senator
Recently, the super-rich and super powerful gathered for the annual economic summit in Davos, Switzerland. There, they received a report from Oxfam. It said the 26 richest people in the world own as much wealth as half the human race. (“Davos: Skiing past a world in crisis,” T
“Tax the rich.” The chant gets louder as the liberal left begins to flex its muscles Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) cites history as evidence the rich could pay more taxes. She reminds us at one point in our history the tax rate was as high as 70%. I’m no economics major, as
Let me assure doubters that mud at the bottom of a pond is as dark and deep as any to be found in a lake. By mud, I’m talking about power games as they are played from rural Alabama or New York. Near the end of my final term as a county commissioner in a midsize city, I became pri
There’s a university professor in Canada who is teaching an introductory journalism course, unique because it focuses on Donald Trump’s ability to keep the media and everyone else off-balance. (“From Tocqueville to Trump,” by Joel Stein, Vanity Fair, Feb. 2019, pgs. 36-37.)
Trump has always been a president untroubled by his contradictions. When the stock market is up, he takes his bow center stage. When it’s down, he blames Jerome Powell, his appointment as Chair of the Federal Reserve Board. Conventional wisdom discounts either position. “…
With the Democrats in control of the U. S. House, President Donald Trump seems to be reviving his base with fiery rhetoric. We all know who members of that base are — Woebegone innocents of earlier days, a time when, if corn prices flourished, so did the nation. As a kid, my f
Donald Trump doesn’t reason like a typical politician and has no fiscal discipline, says David Hoppe, Paul Ryan’s former chief of staff. (“Hey, Paul Ryan, What’s Up?” by Anna Edgerton, Bloomberg Businessweek, Dec. 17, 2018, pg. 40.) Hoppe blames Trump for a looming finan
In my freshman year in college, I discovered The Communist Manifesto was on my reading list. After years of hearing the book was pure evil, I gasped. A few pages into the material, however, and I learned what I’d been told was nonsense. What’s wrong comaraderie? Coca-Cola
Monika Bauerlein, CEO of Mother Jones, thinks President Donald Trump’s apparent madness has method in it. (Why Does the Press Keep Helping Trump?” by Monika Bauerlein, Mother Jones, Jan/Feb 2018 pg. 5.) She accuses him of spinning the truth each day, not to influence, but to c