I’ve never been clear how Hillary Clinton, who left the Secretary of State’s office with a 65% approval rating, could fall into disgrace the moment she decided to run for President of the United States. (“Hillary: Should she just go away?” The Week, April 21, 2017, pg. 17.)
The political upheaval that put Donald Trump into the White House has left me pondering. Why did so many women ignore his sexists attitude when they voted for him? Why do his supporters remain loyal, insisting he is fulfilling his promises, when by any objective measure, he has betr
The letter began, “Don’t you dare defend the Constitution because it was written by Christians for Christians.” (“Crank Mail,” FFRF Free Thought Today, Jan/Feb, 2017, pg. 27.) The comment is kinder than most which the Freedom from Religion Foundation receives on a daily ba
The current political climate in the United States can only be described as jaw-dropping. At the moment, all eyes are focused upon our newly elected president who seems to have come from nowhere to gain both the nomination of the Republican Party and the White House. By no means sho
My Facebook page is rife with pictures of crocuses and daffodils springing from the damp soil. Temperate weather is ahead, my friends want to assure me I see their selfies as they stand in waiting lines at airports or pat a camel somewhere on the African continent. Winter is l
Writer Keven Baker’s modest proposal, tongue-in-cheek, is spiked with enough telling arguments to make me wonder why blue states go on funding the insanities of red states. (“Bluexit,” by Keven Baker, New Republic, April 2017, pg. 19-25.) In 2015, when Texans circulated t
My Yahoo news page came up with the following headline, recently: “Bernie Sanders followers are among the smartest… They don’t believe anything. The post must have proof…” I didn’t read further. I’m not a Bernie Sanders fan, though some of my Facebook friends hav
James Wolcott in a recent essay pokes his finger at the thorn of my discontent. We are in a period of hysteria where the political alt-right and alt-left, overblown with fears and secretly hoping for a revolution, begin to sound the same. As Wolcott explains, the two sides may not
Part of me identifies with Donald Trump. When a politician wants to get something controversial done, the media is as welcome as mosquitoes at a fishing hole. Sometimes journalists do a shoddy job of covering the issues. Sometimes the headlines are out of cinque with the story,
After three months of living with Donald Trump and hoping for the best, I continue to be dumbfounded by the strength of his support among women. We know 53% of white women supported him in the last election. (“Feminist Fall,” by Jessa Crispin, New Republic, March 2017.) Why th