The circle of coffee gals at the retirement center (Blog 5/3/2017) had already arrived for their morning break when I entered their magic circle, sputtering a few words about the appalling leadership in the country. A 94 year-old women wheeled up with her walker to join us. Barb
Mark Zuckerberg and his nerdy cohorts have a dream to turn the internet into a global village that will spread ideas and possibly democratic seeds to all parts of the world. (“Connection can breed contempt,” by Jamelle Boule, excerpted from Slate in The Week, May 5, 2017, pg.
Donald Trump’s promise to revive the coal industry gives a false hope to miners who haven’t seen a paycheck in a while. Fossil fuels are on their way out and coal, being the dirtiest, is already feeling the effect. Oil will be around a while longer, but if I were a young inves
I was going to write about oil today, until I came across a scathing article about Ivanka Trump. At the Berlin conference on women entrepreneurship, which she attended as a guest of German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, the audience booed when she responded to a question about her fa
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” historian John Dalberg wrote at the end of the 19th century. A truism today, but scientists have begun to wonder if power is to blame for corruption or if people who seek power have aspects of character that are corr
I’ve never been clear how Hillary Clinton, who left the Secretary of State’s office with a 65% approval rating, could fall into disgrace the moment she decided to run for President of the United States. (“Hillary: Should she just go away?” The Week, April 21, 2017, pg. 17.)
The political upheaval that put Donald Trump into the White House has left me pondering. Why did so many women ignore his sexists attitude when they voted for him? Why do his supporters remain loyal, insisting he is fulfilling his promises, when by any objective measure, he has betr
The letter began, “Don’t you dare defend the Constitution because it was written by Christians for Christians.” (“Crank Mail,” FFRF Free Thought Today, Jan/Feb, 2017, pg. 27.) The comment is kinder than most which the Freedom from Religion Foundation receives on a daily ba
The current political climate in the United States can only be described as jaw-dropping. At the moment, all eyes are focused upon our newly elected president who seems to have come from nowhere to gain both the nomination of the Republican Party and the White House. By no means sho
My Facebook page is rife with pictures of crocuses and daffodils springing from the damp soil. Temperate weather is ahead, my friends want to assure me I see their selfies as they stand in waiting lines at airports or pat a camel somewhere on the African continent. Winter is l