In a blog entitled A Polemic (1/20/17), I wrote about an artist’s duty to comment upon events of the time. In a similar vein, the editors of Harper’s devoted their February edition to “A Resister’s Guide”: 11 writers stop to consider the impact of Donald Trump’s 2017 pre
I’ve admitted that until the election of George W. Bush, I was a lifelong Republican of a moderate stripe. I believe in a lean government but also give strong support to social security, national disaster relief, the defense of the country and a free education for all. I’d lik
Donald Trump’s truth varies minute by minute. It’s like listening to Variations of a Theme of Paganini but less pleasant. Trump doesn’t seem to worry about these variations, which his critics call lies. Rather, he twists the truth, I suspect, to convince his subjects that one
A good chunk of American voters are standing aghast as Donald Trump engages in a scorched earth presidency. While I live in a state of shock, I am convinced the Republicans are enabling him for two reasons. First, they want him responsible for the final axing of programs like Obama
Two days before the inauguration of Donald Trump as 45th President of the United State, a woman on Facebook had a freak-out. Did she blame the Tea Party for his election, the Republicans, the rust belt, the Evangelicals? No, she blamed Hillary Clinton because she shot down Bernie
“A Polemic,” may be too grand a title for this blog. While not intending to be impassioned, I would like to lay out the reason why I labor each day to put a few ideas, most of them not my own, in to print. I owe that explanation to myself as well as to my readers. I write my
Since Donald Trump was elected to the highest office in the land, the stock market has jumped to new highs. The president attributes that rise to his win but there is another explanation. As Liz Ann Sonders, a strategist of Charles Schwab, explains, companies are anticipating a ri
Recently, a woman on Facebook admitted she received most of her news from social media. If true, she is making a couple of mistakes. First, she is foreclosing on ideas outside her narrow group of like-minded friends. Second, she’s vulnerable to fake news, much of it propagan
Writer Rick Perlstein draws some frightening comparisons between Richard Nixon and Donald trump, but concludes that of the two, Nixon, because he was an introspective man, set limits on his immorality. (He’s Making a List,” by Rick Perlstein, New Republic, Jan/Fe, 2017 pgs. 18-1
Continuing remarks from Monday’s January 2, 2017 blog. (Drawing the Red Line edition. “Not Going Back,” by Gaylynn Burroughs, Ms. Magazine pgs. 20-25.) Other woman’s programs to be affected. Women’s Programs Title IX – The Obama administration used Title IX to hold