When did hungry people decide half a loaf wasn’t good enough? I’m speaking metaphorically, of course, referring to the “double haters,” that Donald Trump referred to in 2016. These were disillusioned people who looked for a change and didn’t think it was coming fast enough.
Call me a masochist, but every morning I open my computer to trawl for news. Reliably, the headlines capture the worst of times: Joe Biden’s campaign files have been hacked; rattlesnakes bite two Yosemite hikers; west coast fires make the air unbreathable… One columnist expresse
I’ve long decided Donald Trump’s mental state isn’t good, but I sometimes wonder about my own. Am I normal? Living in a retirement community forces me to raise the question from time to time. So many neighbors are devoted to serving on committees and going to meetings whereas, I
Much of the world remains in the thrall of Covid-19. Not only are loved ones dying and large numbers of people unemployed, but depression is on the rise. To glean positive news from this situation requires contortions of the mind comparable to the physical feats of a performer at
Politicians, celebrities, political groups, influence groups, and the media are doing their best to mess with reality, whatever that is. I ask, why bother? Since science began to study the issue of the blue dress that is simultaneously gold, I’m not sure reality is real anymore. I
Recently, newscasters were making light of Donald Trump’s self-congratulatory response to a dementia test he took, mistaking it for one that measured I. Q. Despite his confusion, I’m happy for him, and for the nation, that he passed. His niece, a clinical psychologist, has alrea
I’ve always taken it for granted though I’ve cursed the long lines that result from staff shortages. Other than have a tooth pulled, I’d do anything to avoid the Post Office. I buy my stamps from the grocery store and mail my packages at a stationery shop around the corner fro
The current Covid-19 pandemic has given rise to numerous conspiracy theories concerning why it happened. Though we know little about the virus as yet, these theories have flourished like toadstools after a sodden rain. Thanks to the internet, they have spread to remote places like Gym
While thumbing through a magazine, I came across writer Anne Tyler’s confession that she feared to concentrate upon a bad idea because it might come about. She holds herself responsible for the coronavirus pandemic, in part, because for some time she’d been praying for an excuse t
Don’t get me wrong. I admire House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. She knows how to crack a whip over her Democratic caucus to lead the country forward. The job, I imagine, invites plenty of frown line, but she appears to have gone a tad too far with the Botox in her effort to appear perpetua