In the opening scene of the film, The Graduate, the operative word was “plastics.” Today, Dustin Hoffman is all grown up, though that scene remains a movie classic. For billionaire Jeremy Grantham the new word for this era is “topsoil.” Necessary to feed a burgeoning glo
Many times I’ve noted a large gap exists between what our brain tells us about the world and truth. My novel Trompe l’Oeil is a study of that gap – the difference between appearance and reality. Even so, we infinitely small creatures of a small planet among billions of galaxies
The actor, Dustin Hoffman, now 75, recently made the observation that “as the body becomes more limited, the soul expands.” Life, he proclaims should be about “finding that thing that the very idea of just fills you.” (“Dustin Calls the Shots. Finally.” By Meg Grant, AARP