A conversation on my Facebook page focused on whether or not liberals should make a greater effort to listen to MAGA concerns. Most of the contributors felt that listening is always good, and so do I. But I also feel that listening should be reciprocal. Senator Chuck Schummer (D) li
Many are wondering why Kamala Harris, who ran a flawless campaign for President in 2024 and had a billion dollars in her war chest, was unable to defeat a 78-year-old scandal-ridden felon. A reason might be that though the economy was booming, 36.8 million people, roughly 11 percent o
Growing up as a Catholic, taking Confession struck me as a wonderful device. Whenever I did something wrong during the week, if I confessed on Friday, the priest would assign me a few prayers to recite, and “poof”, like magic, I was absolved of sin. If I missed a week, I cou
Though averse to ageism, I was moved when I read that longtime Congresswoman Anne Kuste was retiring to allow someone younger to take her place. As a tribute to her decision, I have recorded below my relevant brunch conversation with a Millennial.
What is hope but futility for moments stood on end? (Sydney Lee) When I was a child learning my catechism, I wondered about the hopelessness of hell. Condemned to the fires of eternal damnation, why didn’t those lost souls rebel?
During the 2024 election campaign, those scratching for a reason to support Donald Trump said they wanted someone with business experience who could make the government more efficient. Why they would hold that hope for a man who filed six bankruptcies is a mystery. Nonetheless, thei
Recently, I came upon an article that compared the habits of folks with old and new money. Old money, for example, avoided designer labels, and flashy cars and was courteous to people who provided service. New money was less shy about flaunting status and more demanding. This di
Since the election, perhaps some of my blog readers may harbor the same concern for our democracy that I do. Freedom Isn’t an Energizer Bunny that keeps on going. It must be defended. And though the Republican Party has turned its back on decency, the rest of us must work to pre
No one likes paying taxes, least of all billionaires. They’d rather buy yachts. Obliged to keep up appearances, they give to charity, some less than others, Elon Musk being the stingiest. Nonetheless, they are lavish in their political contributions to politicians who favor th
The bank paid off one of my certificates of deposit (CD) early to refinance at a lower rate. My broker suggested one of two things: 1) buy a 3-month Treasury that paid 5% interest, or 2) a one-year Note that paid 4.5%. I chose the longer Treasury despite the lower rate. If the F