On Monday, March 5, Katie Porter, Democratic congresswoman from California, disagreed with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. The Speaker had earlier commented that because a candidate was a woman it was no reason to vote for her. Porter disagreed and so do I. All things being equal, wo
Yes, it’s heartening that cutting the genitals of young girls is on the decline in Kenya. Yes, it’s wonderful that Julie Burkhart, the woman who runs the sole abortion clinic in Kansas won her harassment case against the man who has been stalking her for years. And yes, it is c
Recently, Virginia became the 38th state to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA). People rejoiced and slapped one another on the back, forgetting that when the provision was introduced in the 1970s, it had a 7-year expiration date. No matter how good it felt, the ratification of ER
I noticed a couple of weeks ago that Phyllis Schiafly died, founder of the Stop ERA movement and later the Eagle Forum, an institution dedicated to keeping women in the home. She was a firebrand who seldom stayed at home, herself, but opened every public forum by thanking her husban
Though a staunch defender of the First Amendment, I’ve experienced moments of discomfort because of it. While in politics, I questioned the legitimacy of Rap lyrics that encouraged the brutal treatment of women, for example. If the subject were race, I pointed out, the writers could