On several occasions, I’ve blogged about technological advances in robotics and how androids could disrupt our society. What I hadn’t considered was the way large tech companies could become a threat in themselves. I’m talking about monopolies. Not the traditional kind, like
Ingrham’s, a large publishing and distribution company for writers’ works, sent me an email yesterday. They were raising rates for their services. The attachment was a long, single spaced document with several pages of contract changes. I am careful about material like thi
A firehose isn’t the province of firefighters anymore. A firehose is the gush of information people provide via the internet, particularly on social media like Twitter and Facebook. Twitter makes a bonanza by selling access to its firehose to interested companies. Recent repor
As I wrote in an earlier blog, (Blog 5/26/16) the world is awash in personal savings accounts, what Ben Bernanke calls a “global savings glut.” (“Private Desires, by Geoff Colvin, Fortune, June, 2016, pg. 54.) In a recent essay, Geoff Colvin points out this sea of cash is chan
Surveillance tools are everywhere. Another device is coming soon to a store near you: software that identifies individual faces in a crowd. Walk through Macy’s one afternoon and you may hear a message telling you your favorite cologne is on sale. And those greeters with their
Tumblr is a social network site used by 10% of people who prowl the internet, according to the Pew Research Center, (“The Secret Lives Of Tumblr Teens,” by Elspeth Reeve, New Republic, March 2016, pg. 51) My blog first appeared there in 2010. The site was lively and I gained f
A Facebook friend requested that l like her Facebook fan page, the site where she promotes her books. She said she’d nearly reached 7,000 and hoped a few of us would put her over the top. My eyes popped when I saw the number. I have a fan page on Facebook. My likes stand at
We have a new reason “to despise Facebook,” says Jay Barmann of SFirst.com. (“Talking Points,” The Week, October 3. 2014 pg. 16) The company has long had a policy that requires users to subscribe under their real names. But what’s in a name some Drag Queens are beginni