Research proves that when a falsehood is often repeated, people tend to believe it. The phenomenon is called the illusory truth effect. One example is that Vitamin C cures a cold. Another is that the 2020 election was stolen. A lie about Trump flourishes among Christian Evangelicals
Bigfoot isn’t likely to be hiding in the forests surrounding Mt. Hood in Oregon. Even so, scientists speculate many of earth’s smaller creatures are waiting to be discovered. One portion of the earth that until now has been beyond human reach is the Twilight Zone, ocean
How in the world did our Supreme Court come to the conclusion that corporations were people? Citizens United The debate over whether they are or not had been going on for 200 years, though I little knew it. As late as 1914, in a case before the Michigan Supreme Court, a brewery lo
The circle of coffee gals at the retirement center (Blog 5/3/2017) had already arrived for their morning break when I entered their magic circle, sputtering a few words about the appalling leadership in the country. A 94 year-old women wheeled up with her walker to join us. Barb