You can’t make America great again if you intend to suppress the freedoms of women, who are half the population. Last night I watched vice-president elect, Mike Pence, vow to remove birth control subsidies for women under the Obama care act. Why, he questioned, should people w
The morning after the 2016 Presidential election, I shared a link on Facebook but failed to vet it. Loss of sleep and disappointment over the outcome led me to be careless. But that’s no excuse and I apologized to my friends on the social media site. Due diligence is the watch
Depending upon what surveys you read, a majority of women voted for Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election, but not by a wide margin. (Click) Thirty-nine percent went for her opponent, a certifiable misogynist. One woman explained she was uncomfortable with her support
While I support Hillary Clinton for president of the United States, it’s a fair question to ask how she and her opponent, having among the lowest approval ratings in history for the office, came to be the sole survivors vying for this high office. What does their ascendancy say ab
In 1872, Victoria Woodhull, a former prostitute and spiritualist became the first woman to run for President of the United States. Former slave, Frederick Douglas ran as her vice president, though Douglas never campaigned with her. As a woman, she was unable to vote for the high
After the second presidential debate, a male blogger attempted to explain to a male reader why women were upset with Donald Trump, especially his body language as he hovered in the background while Hillary Clinton talked. Trump’s behavior was intimidating, said the blogger, a gest
Watching the presidential debates is a bit like experiencing shock and awe. Despite fact checkers, Trump persists in his claim that Hillary Clinton was the first to cast doubts on Barrack Obama’s citizenship. But why blame Trump for the lunacy in the world? He didn’t inven
Mark Cuban, billionaire NBA team owner, came out strong for Donald Trump, calling him “probably the best thing to happen to politics in a long, long time.” (“A Billionaire Changes his Mind,” by Ira Boudway, Bloomberg Businessweek, Sept. 19-25, 2016, pg. 35.) What attracted
I noticed a couple of weeks ago that Phyllis Schiafly died, founder of the Stop ERA movement and later the Eagle Forum, an institution dedicated to keeping women in the home. She was a firebrand who seldom stayed at home, herself, but opened every public forum by thanking her husban
I took up fencing as my sport in college. Over time I learned to be quick, meaning my movements were subtle enough to fool my opponent. While I performed well with fencers who were at or above my skill level, I fared miserably among those of few skills, those who imaged a sword wa