The presumption during the Democratic primary had been that Hillary was conservative and Bernie Sanders was pulling her to the left. That’s not the Clinton I know but I understand why others might think it. So far, she’s largely been judged by the men with whom she associates.
After the flap over Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s unflattering remarks about Donald Trump, I thought we had laid to rest the illusion that people, including justices, are impartial. Certainly, Sandra Day O’Conner wasn’t impartial in 2000 when she decried that Al
I stopped listening to the political analysis of David Brooks and Mark Shields on the OPB News hour long ago. Their remarks strike me as less insightful than wisdom be gained by staring at ditch water. But I was across the room one evening, cooking dinner, when their commentary ca
On Facebook recently, I ran across an entry that accused Hillary Clinton of being evil, a crime boss and a killer. As a Hillary supporter, I stopped to ask the writer for corroboration of his charges and reminded him that even in a free society, slander is a crime. Getting f
Recently, I read a woman’s blog in which she insisted she would never, ever vote for Hillary Clinton. Clinton, she insisted, was a liar and a bad, bad person. I suggest anyone interested in facts instead of drivel look here: (Click) Whatever the hard feelings, the time h
Much has been said about Hillary Clinton’s support for the overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi in Libya. Some say she supported the action because she is “hawkish.” But why overthrow a leader who’d started to cooperate with Europe and the United States? On the surface, the poli
The central question for the upcoming election is: “How would the candidate, as President, bring our country together around a common vision for where we need to go as a nation and how we can get there?” (“Stop Fighting, Start Fixing,” by Jon Huntsman Jr. and Joe Lieberman,
After my blog of May 19, 2016 in support of Hillary Clinton’s bid for the presidency, a reader sent me a column by Gail Collins that appeared in the New York Times. (Click) The gist of her remarks were a warning to the presumptive Democratic candidate that she avoid wrapping her i
In a recent essay, Stanley Bing writes that lies serve as truth as long as they are believed. (“Does the Truth Matter?” by Stanley Bing, Fortune, May 1, 2016, pg. 136.) In an election year a lot of “truths” serve to justify gut feelings. One of them is that Hillary Clinton
Think gender won’t play a role in the upcoming presidential election? Just wait and watch the media to see what they say about Hillary Clinton’s pantsuits or hair style. As journalist Joan Veneochi observes, Hillary will receive more scathing remarks than will Trump for his �