Gender diversity matters and never more so than in the current election for President of the United States. To those women who make light of gender’s importance, I’ll say again: Wrong. (Blog 3/23/16) Equal pay is a woman’s issue but it also plays as an economic one.
Media headlines are like cow pies in a country field. Their purpose is to create a stink that attracts attention. Truth is often a causality. I’ve felt the sting of phony headlines as an elected official. When I refused to relocate my office to the 14th floor of a new high
What most Americans know about foreign policy and life in other countries comes largely through war. My mother, a Costa Rican by birth, has spent much of her existence fuming at America’s ignorance about other countries. As a teen ager, I thought she was being un-American. As
Abuses against women abound in the world, not only in times of war but as a condition of ordinary life. Pakistan’s bill to ban child marriages recently died because the Council of Islamic Ideology “declared the legislation un-Islamic.” (Excerpted from the Washington Post by
When I served in local politics, I, and some of my predecessors, worked hard to shut down a local nursing home in the eastern corner of the county. It was rickety and posed health hazards for the residents, but it had an antebellum grandeur and its patients, who had lived there ma
Hillary Clinton’s emails, though scoured by several investigative agencies, government and private, have turned up little of interest. Mostly, she’s a woman baffled by technology. Here’s a typical exchange: (Excerpted from “Inboxes of the Rich and Famous,” by Josephine Wol
“…the wedge isn’t what it used to be,” writes columnist, Michael Kingsley. (“What Do The Simple Folk Do?” Vanity Fair, July 2015, pg. 47.) By “wedge,” Kingsley refers to those core values, like abortion, gun control, prayer in the schools and affirmative acti
The last time Hillary Clinton ran for president, I worked so many long hours for her, she sent me a signed thank you note. When she lost, I was heartbroken. This upcoming election, I will support her again, but given a choice, I’d prefer to support Elizabeth Warren. I admire t
Oh, that a reasonable woman can think so wrongly! Rebecca Traister pens a opinion piece for The New Republic that criticizes prominent women in the Democratic Party for failing to challenge Hillary Clinton’s potential bid for President of the United State. Elizabeth Warren and Kri
To be appalled by the restricted lives women live in the Middle East is easy because the rules governing their lives are so schizophrenic. Take Saudi Arabia, for example. Women are allowed careers, but they aren’t allowed to drive, which effectively prevents them from getting to and