Where it has been imposed, the Covid-19 lockdown begins to seem endless, particularly because the number of victims continues to rise despite the precaution. In some states, sheer economic exhaustion has emboldened a few businesses to open. But, if the spike continues to rise, these s
I have no idea what generation would claim me. I’m not a baby boomer and the alphabet soup that follows – Xers, Ys, Zs, — are far too young. Egads! Some of these youth have never seen a landline. Never mind, I don’t know the difference between emails and text mes
“You look better in person than you do in your blog picture,” said a former high school student of mine from 40 years ago. He was in town for a class reunion and looked me up. His remark I took to be gracious rather than true. The blog picture is me at 72. At 82, I’ve