People sometimes ask if I’ve thought about publishing a selection of my blogs in book form. Naturally, I’m flattered, just as I am when they suggest my novels would make great movies. Such notions don’t swell my head. Steven Spielberg, I know, won’t be calling soon.
The trouble with money is us. Whether there’s too much or too little money spells trouble. In the case of too much, it creates the illusion of entitlement, as described in the ongoing property battles between the rich and famous in the Hamptons (“Boundary Issues, by Bob Morris, To
“…the wedge isn’t what it used to be,” writes columnist, Michael Kingsley. (“What Do The Simple Folk Do?” Vanity Fair, July 2015, pg. 47.) By “wedge,” Kingsley refers to those core values, like abortion, gun control, prayer in the schools and affirmative acti
Not long ago a blog reader unsubscribed because he was furious that I would write about investing in oil stocks. (Blog 3/30/15) I wrote back saying that I didn’t think a bet on whether or not a company’s fortunes would rise or fall had much affect on the melting of the polar i
Writer Michael Kingsley thinks one reason print newspapers may be headed for extinction like the dinosaur isn’t because of electronic competition but because of demographics. According to him, the older generation, accustomed to print media, is giving way to younger readers who are