The creeping loss of personal privacy seems to increase exponentially. The public is aware of the growth. A June report issued by the Pew Research Center revealed: “Americans are concerned about the data collection practices of smart speakers, and similar listening devices.” (“Y
Monika Bauerlein, CEO of Mother Jones, thinks President Donald Trump’s apparent madness has method in it. (Why Does the Press Keep Helping Trump?” by Monika Bauerlein, Mother Jones, Jan/Feb 2018 pg. 5.) She accuses him of spinning the truth each day, not to influence, but to c
A blog reader wrote to thank me for sharing the latest PEW Research Center’s survey about Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations. In the main, the attitudes expressed there were similar to those found in the PEN survey I discussed earlier. (Bog 12/2/13) Snowden’s revelations about t
Given the anger the public has expressed since the bank debacle and the government’s bail out and the fact that polls show only 6% of the population approves of the job Congress is doing, I’m surprised at the nation’s apparent lack of concern about the National Security Agency
Hanna Rosin’s new book, The End of Men—and the Rise of Women predicts that within a generation women will rule the nation if not the world. (“Why Testosterone is the New Estrogen” excerpted in More, 9/12, pgs.126-7.) She has some impressive statistics to support her view. More