Patriotism is out of favor these days, dropping from 70% support in 2000 to 38% today. (“The Strange Triumph of a Broken America,” by Michael Beckley, Foreign Affairs, Jan/Feb. 2025, pg. 50.) Because we choose our leaders in a democracy, the decline says the voters are unhappy
Growing up as a Catholic, taking Confession struck me as a wonderful device. Whenever I did something wrong during the week, if I confessed on Friday, the priest would assign me a few prayers to recite, and “poof”, like magic, I was absolved of sin. If I missed a week, I cou
I’m always stunned when people confess they don’t plan to vote in the upcoming 2024 election because neither presidential candidate inspires them–as if the event was a beauty contest and the fate of the nation wasn’t at stake. Joe Biden’s poor debate performance recently
My U. S. Senator voted against the Ukrainian-Istreal aid package that Congress passed recently. He said he opposed it because of Benjamin Netanyahu’s conduct in the Gaza war. I like my Senator. Nonetheless, I sent him an email that accused him of being long on principle, but s