Many artists have recorded the song “You’ve Got to be Taught” from the musical South Pacific. Barbara Streisand is among them. It’s a song about hate. Actor John Kerr in the original film version explains. ”It happens after you’re born.” The philosopher John Locke would
If Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas adheres to his belief in originalism, meaning the U. S. Constitution must be interpreted according to the intentions of the founding fathers, then to be consistent, he should resign from his high office. At the time the document was signed,
The Democrats in Congress are proposing several bills to curb presidential powers and to strengthen the system of checks and balances the Constitution provides. The changes offer increased protection for whistleblowers and agency watchdogs, prohibits a president from receiving payment
As our Constitution was written in the age of lamplights and sailing ships, Jean-Phillipe Immarigeon, a Frenchman, proposes that we Americans rid ourselves of government gridlock by rewriting our revered document, recognizing that it was created centuries ago by men who wore wigs. (�