He was hunched against the retirement center’s brick wall, his figure illuminated by the light from a single bulb overhead. A hoodie covered most of his face, but by his crouched position, I knew he was young. He was probably one of the homeless in the area, though I’d not seen hi
Three men meet daily to bury the dead in Bucha, Ukraine. No one pays them. They perform their task in the name of humanity. They’ve been at their work for many months, even during a period of Russian occupation. Glad to be free of the gruesome task, the invaders tolerated the men�
The Fools in Town Are on Our Side, a mystery novel by Ross Thomas, is not only a good read but carries a great title. Today, it could serve as a slogan for the Republicans Party. Two of its leading lights are behaving in a manner that justifies the idea. Testifying in a suit against h
Unfortunately, the threat of nuclear war looms as possible today as it did when I was a child. I no longer practice hiding under my desk whenever a siren goes off, but I shudder to read Vladimir Putin’s cavalier talk about using nuclear weapons against Ukraine in his stalemated war.
The Flynn effect is over. That’s the trend whereby human intelligence increases by about 3 points a decade. Recent research reveals the trend is in reverse. Humans are getting dumber. Scientists speculate the reasons are varied: changes in our education systems, nutrition, the c
While Russia persists in its ambitions for world dominance, I wonder if Putin notices technology is inventing other realities. First, there was the worldwide net. Next came virtual reality. Now there is the metaverse. According to Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, the metaverse
Recently, a Bernie Sanders supporter floated a conspiracy theory on Facebook: U. S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deliberately delayed delivering the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate in order to keep Sanders in Washington D. C. for the trial, away from the Iowa campaign, and to le
There are two occasions when a person ought to reflect upon the words of John F. Kennedy’s: Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country. The first is during a time of war when citizens are asked to defend their nation. The second occurs in a perio
I read an article the other day that praised Donald Trump for his extraordinary leadership. The author congratulated the president for his attempts to revive the coal industry, his rollbacks on climate change regulations, his tax reforms that made the super-rich wealthier and his immi