Courtesy of rutherfordclassics.com
In the writers’ pecking order, the author with a publisher stands taller than the one who is self-published. Having a publisher implies someone other than the writer believes in the work enough to commit hard cash to producing it. Nonetheless, after working with 4 publishers, I’ve decided to create my own imprint, Rutherford Classics.* I’ve many reasons for making this decision, but the best is to cut out the middleman.
Cutting out the middleman means I can reduce my prices and still take in a bit more money than I did when a publisher shared half my earnings. As of today, for example, most of my paperbacks sell for $12.99 and eBooks for $2.99. Under the “new management,” the book covers are revamped and editing mistakes erased. An improved product at a cheaper price.

Heart Land
My blog readers continue to grow, so I’m hoping some of you will risk $2.99 to find out if I can write fiction. May I suggest Heart Land for a start. No one hates to smile, do they? You can find all the revamped editions at Amazon. Barnes & Noble will have them soon. Or you can find them at my website: https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/. Or, here. (Click)
You say you’ve already read my books? Then I say, “Thank you!” Now, have you thought about giving them as gifts?
*Special thanks to Susan Stoner, creator of the Sage Adair mysteries series, for her tireless effort to make Rutherford Classics possible.