I send this reminder because I can think of no greater way to thank my friends, virtual and real, for being my friends than by putting a smile on their faces. If you’d like a smile today, got to the website and read. http://TheColoredLens.com. The sand in the clock is low.
(Courtesy: knightsofnodd)
I send this reminder to friends because the magazine usually normally sells for $2.95. During this promotion it is free.
I send this reminder even though my purse will not be increased by a single dime whether one person reads “Marie Eau-Claire” or a hundred.
I send this reminder because I believe most people will like the story; because some of you live half way across the world and couldn’t access it otherwise and because some of you may be curious about my writing. Here is an opportunity satisfy their curiosity. Enjoy!
- Virtual Tours for today: – Laurie J. @ Laurie’s Thoughts & Reviews